
Grace – Giclée print on flexible unstretched canvas 8 x 11 inches

Every landscape painting begins as a search, a search for beauty, truth, transendence.  Every landscape has a secret, a hidden meaning, and some can be a portal to Divinity.  
– Ken Salaz

After two hours of walking around the waterfall, I finally settled in a location that I felt allowed me not only see the waterfall and its surroundings, but feel its energy and character.  The painting began as an attempt to capture the beauty of the water cascading over the rocks and pounding into the deep pool below.  It began as a challenge to seek the beauty of the waterfall while it was surrounded by so many gnarled trees and craggy rocks.  When I paint in nature, it causes me to reflect not only on the beauty before me, but the nature of mortality – life and death, and how quickly this life passes, yet how profound the meanings are within it.  As I was painting, I was pondering how fortunate we all were to be alive and how amazing an opportunity life is.  I then began to think about more difficult things in the world, and in my life, and began feeling quite heavy.  It was at this point that the sun in the sky broke through the trees and illuminated the water with its full iridescent glory!  I was astonished!  It was a clear sign, a clear symbol that we are living, all of us, under the light of Divinity and our lives – both the beautiful and the repulsiveness, can only be made sense of through the Grace of God.  We are all equal in this, all beggars and all recipients of the “Light of this World”, in whom we “Live, move, and have our being.”
Ken Salaz, artist

Testimony:  One evening I was in a world of hurt, struggling with bitterness, and picked up my new Plein Aire magazine to distract me.  I saw the “Grace” painting on the cover and was amazed by the shaft of light the artist had captured.  When I realized the name of the painting was “Grace,” I said, “Oh that I could just sit in that waterfall and let Grace wash over me!”  It became a prayer and at that moment, the pain and the bitterness left me, never to return.

I bought the painting.  Later a friend  commented on the “little man” in the waterfall; it was painted as a rock outcropping that the water is tumbling over, but certainly looks like a person.  Although many people see the little person in the painting, the artist says he did not paint that on purpose.  I believe that God meant for it to be there to inspire us to let grace cleanse us from bitterness!  His Grace is enough!
–anonymous, owner of “Grace”

Price includes tax