Calling all reconciliation ministry leaders - Let's get connected!

The eagle’s mighty wings struggle to achieve victory over the pull of earth’s gravity, the weight of the large salmon in his talons adding to his efforts. Beat by beat he achieves scant altitude until he finally begins to lift. Ah! that thermal will carry him where he wants to go! Ascending through the clouds, he views the land far below, looking almost like a patchwork quilt. Soon he reaches the comfort of his nest, bringing his pair of eaglets a long-awaited feast. From this high vantage point, they can devour their dinner safely while he guards his territory, spying out predators or prey.

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  • Photo Credit: Tim Larson

A Miracle in Ferguson?!

Ferguson’s 10 Year Journey from Rude Awakening to Spiritual Awakening.

Aug. 9, 2024 marked the 10th anniversary of the day when Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson shot an unarmed 18 year old Michael Brown. For the last few weeks, national news agencies such as the New York Times […]


Please take a few minutes to listen to this short version of an important message about Critical Race Theory by one of our Eagles, Carlton Smith.

Click here for the full version, or click on the CRT link in the title to view the post and […]

What does the Bible say about racism?

Question: “What does the Bible say about racism?”

Answer: The first thing to understand in this discussion is that there is only one race—the human race. Caucasians, Africans, Asians, Indians, Arabs, and Jews are not different races. Rather, they are different ethnicities of the human race. All human beings have the […]

Tribute to Jack Gaines

Jack Gaines

Dr. Jack Gaines—passed on to Glory on Monday, March 23rd.  He had bravely fought an aggressive form of cancer for several years, continuing to minister and speak reconciliation wherever he could until the last few weeks of his life. He was having […]

Geoff Sadler Interview

Geoff Sadler from Liverpool, England, tells of his work to help heal the legacy of the slave trade by going to cities in the U.S. to repent.

Let’s Explore Racial Reconciliation

Why racial reconciliation?  We have become increasingly aware of the ripping divisions in the world–even in the church! Yet Jesus talked about the kind of oneness that He and the Father enjoyed (John 17: 21-23.) Amazingly, He prayed that we would experience that same kind of oneness with each other and with Him and with the Father. And then He boldly said that the world will know that the Father loves them when they see this kind of unity among believers! What an eternal, high perspective! It can’t be an unreachable goal because He predicts it.

Much of the conflict in America focuses on the racial tension between African Americans and whites. It’s in the news and it’s urgent. This is obviously the legacy of the 400 year old slave trade. It needs to be healed! So how does healing happen? What prevents it? Is anything being done to bring healing?

For those who have a desire to soar, to gain victory in the very real dilemmas of racial division, and to achieve a new perspective of God’s eternal plan, we offer this website. It’s a safe place to dialogue about the video clips and articles presented here, a place to explore new understanding of the ways of God, and to give testimonies to His goodness in the context of racial healing.

These will all become “pieces of the quilt.” As we begin to fly higher, patterns will emerge and insights will flow.

This will be a work in process and we invite you to engage in it with us! Send us your stories, thoughts, and resource ideas (no venting or profanity here.) Share with us your own journey of healing. Come grow with us and begin to see with an eagle’s perspective. Find the heart of God, Who wants us to be at one with each other, even as we are at one with Him!

Racial Healing: The Eagles
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Racial Healing: The Eagles
